Wellbeing Support


The emotional welfare of our children and families is of the utmost importance to us as a school. We are exceptionally lucky to have a trained ELSA: Mrs Hazel Cox. Mrs Cox works with lots of our children and families in order to provide them with a bespoke support service. If you are interested in finding out more or think that you and/ or your child could benefit from this service, do pop in for a chat with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If you want to research this topic more yourself please click this link.


Mr Richmond has undertaken Thirve's 'A Strategic Approach to Whole School Emotional Health and Wellbeing' course. He is the mental health lead for the school and has implemented numerous strategies in order to best support the pupils and the staff in the school.


Support for adults to access on behalf of children (and themselves)

Sussex Mental Health line

0300 5000 101

Sussex Mental Health


The Sussex Mental telephone Healthline offers crisis care 24/7 for people in urgent need of help with their mental health including stress, anxiety and depression. You do not need an appointment.

Young Minds

Parents Helpline  0808 802 5544

Young Minds


The Young Minds resources library is full of useful resources, publications and toolkits to support children’s and young people’s mental health.

Give us a shout

Text shout to 85258

Give Us a Shout


Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.

It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.

Shout is powered by a team of volunteers.

Coastal West Sussex Mind

West Sussex Mind


Coastal West Sussex Mind works with young people, adults, older adults, carers and families. Their intention is for people have control of their lives and be as independent as possible. 

The support and advice they offer aims to improve people's physical and mental well-being, strengthen self-esteem and confidence and promote strong relationships with family, friends and communities. They also help people get into education, training or work and achieve their personal and social goals. 

Your Space

YES (Youth Emotional Service)

Phone: 077894 809 134

YES link


Your Space offers free wellbeing support for 11-18 year olds:

Horsham Hub,

Hurst Road Horsham.

Rh12 22DN

Monday: 1.00pm-5.00pm
Thursday: 1.00pm-5.00pm

Rehab 4 Addiction

Phone = 0800 140 4650


Rehab for Addiction offer a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health. They also offer a helpline for people struggling with these issues.

Beacon House

Chichester 01243 219900

Cuckfield 01444 413939

Beacon House


Beacon House is an independent team of mental health practitioners. Whilst majority of their referrals are from third parities (Children’s services, schools private health insurers), they will accept referrals from parents.

Beacon House has a wide resource bank covering: Developmental Trauma, Attachment and Child and Family Mental Health.

Support for children to access for themselves

Child Line

0800 1111

Child line


Childline’s tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration will help your child to feel more in control. The resources can be accessed any time and from any electronic device.



Text: YM to 85258

Young Minds


All texts to Young Minds are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.

NHS ChatHealth

NHS Chat Health


Text 07480635424 or 07480635423

NHS ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service for children and young people aged 11-19. It provides an easy, anonymous access to a health care provider, offering support and advice.