Our School Values


Learning at our school is based on a set of core values that we evolved by working with our whole school community – teachers, learning support staff, children, parents and governors.


The core values of resilience, independence, creativity and emotional intelligence underpin each of our learning experiences. We actively plan opportunities for children to develop in those areas as we believe they are the key to helping children become life-long learners. These values underpin the whole of the learning and teaching in our school. As teachers plan children’s learning, they hold this set of values at the heart of their thinking and preparation.  


Our school values are taught through learning experiences and assemblies. Our curriculum is designed to ensure pupils leave us ready for their next step in their education and motivated life-long learners. We believe that when you look around our school, you will discover excited and motivated learners who are…


We want our pupils to develop resilience, so they are:

  • confident
  • able to persevere
  • able to challenge themselves
  • brave
  • persistent
  • determined
  • positive


We want our pupils to develop independence, so they are:

  • resourceful
  • evaluative
  • self-motivated
  • able to do things without help
  • use their initiative
  • motivated
  • able to concentrate



We want our pupils to be creative, so they are:

  • problem solvers
  • adaptable
  • critical thinkers
  • able to take risks
  • apply their learning to new situations
  • imaginative
  • analytical



We want our pupils to have emotional intelligence, so they are:

  • caring and considerate
  • reflective
  • able to self-regulate
  • empathetic
  • effective communicators
  • self-aware
  • proactive and positive